What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: Extreme Rules Edition



Best Case Scenario: Dean Ambrose kills “The Wildcat”, and wears his skin as a trophy, preferably with a necklace made from his ears. Starts calling himself “The Transitional Mid-Card Champion Killer” Dean Ambrose.

Worst Case Scenario: Kofi Kingston not losing.

What Nick Wants to Happen: A match that showcases both guys and makes it clear that while the Shield is a “team,” Ambrose is the alpha dog.

What Will Happen: Dean Ambrose will be booked to make Kofi Kingston look like “the fucking shits” because the WWE really has no clue want to do with that poor guy other than feed him to people they think will be able to carry a mid-card belt in their never-ending search for someone who can lose every week to main eventers while still getting his.

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