What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: Extreme Rules Edition



Best Case Scenario: They replace those idiotic linguine “straps” with ones that actually look like they would hurt, Sheamus gets the “JBL Great American Bash” treatment, reaches .87 on Muta scale.

Worst Case Scenario: They replace those idiotic linguine “straps” with pool noodles, Mark Henry decides he’s become a pacifist, Sheamus Brogue Kicks him anyways.

What Nick Wants to Happen: Mark Henry rips off Sheamus’s limbs, beats Michael Cole to death with them while screaming “YOU A FUNNY MOTHERFUCKA, AINTCHA MOTHERFUCKA?!”

What Will Happen: They won’t replace those idiotic linguine “straps,” Sheamus goes over, Mark Henry doesn’t get to say “THAT’S WHAT I DO,” ‘twas ever thus.

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