First off, yes, this show aired already on the network, and will continue to do so until Wrestlemania. There are rumors that the show will become a Network exclusive in the near future, and will air as a live show. When the future of the show becomes clear, we’ll determine the future of my little spoiler alerts.
Daniel Bryan d Kane
D-Bry wins a long, competitive match with a roll-up. My only complaint is that we’re probably a few days away from a rematch. The good news is this feud HAS TO end after Mania, right? RIGHT?
Nikki Bella d Alicia Fox
This match includes interference from Brie and Aksana, and should give you just enough time to go to the bathroom AND grab a snack from the kitchen.
The Usos d Los Matadores
This was advertised as Usos vs New Age Outlaws. Instead, the Outlaws came out and claim Road Dogg is injured, so they’re holding off on their rematch. I’m okay with that, but how are Los Matadores the next team in line for a title shot? Does beating 3MB 150 times on Superstars make you a top tag team? OLE!
SKIM THIS SHOW. The opener is important, and probably pretty decent. You already saw the pointless Divas match on Raw, in the form of a tag match. The action in the tag title match is probably fine, and it furthers the storyline… but this is what happens when you break up half of your top teams. You get tag title matches featuring Puerto Rican bullfighters.
Titus O’Neil d Zack Ryder
Thanks for coming, Zack Ryder. Hope you’ve been enjoying our podcast.
Los Matadores d Curtis Axel & Ryback
Remember when Ryback was challenging for the WWE title on Pay-per-view? Remember when Curtis Axel was a Paul Heyman Guy, and the Intercontinental Champion? They just lost to fake bullfighters. At least no one will ever see it.
SKIP THIS SHOW. I mean, seriously. If I have to break this one down for you, you aren’t a pro wrestling fan. Spend this hour listening to Nick and me ramble about NXT ArRival.
Before we get to the action, it’s worth pointing out that WZ lists Rajah.com as a source for these spoilers, so they may or may not be accurate. (GET IT?)
Batista comes out to super heat. Daniel Bryan comes out to a super pop. Kane comes out. Big Show returns. Tag Team Match, PLAYA!
Christian d Dolph Ziggler
Del Rio is on commentary for this one. He causes the distraction, allowing Christian to get the win. I guess ADR needed to get a little heat back after jobbing to Jesse Pinkman on Raw, BITCH.
The Usos d Curtis Axel & Ryback
This one should be pretty good, as long as no one gets concussed.
Eva Marie & Natalya d AJ Lee & Tamina Snuka
See what you’ve done, Nick? You couldn’t be satisfied with The Bellas vs Alicia and my Latvian princess. Now EVA FRIGGIN MARIE is getting victories over THE DIVAS CHAMPION, AJ LEE. This is why we can’t have nice things.
Sheamus d Alberto Del Rio
I feel like I’ve seen this match almost as many times as I’ve seen Sheamus vs Christian. Same result.
Big E d. Jack Swagger
After the match, the Real Americans continue to bicker. Still waiting for Cesaro to swing Swagger’s leg out of his leg.
Rusev promo. Can he start killing Zack Ryder or something? Please?
Big Show & Daniel Bryan d Kane & Batista
Kane eats a knockout punch, and gets rolled up by D-Bry for the pin. At least Smackdown sends the fans home happy.
SKIM THIS SHOW. It sounds like a lot of good action, but you’d better have something else to do during the Divas match.
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