Big Cass vs. Aiden English
It’s hard to tell why they had Cass taken out by Aiden English, at least in the sense of whether it’s because how they feel about English or The Big G(uy). Big Cass is about 10000x more entertaining than he has any right to be, and when Enzo comes back, they should be on the first train out of Orlando. If, in the future of WWE on television, SmackDown! becomes a live show, Enzo and Cass are going to be big hits because of how palpably entertaining they are.
It’s going to continue to be interesting to watch how they evolve the Aiden English character. He’s a very good worker, he’s good on the mic and he can *kind of* sing. But the major questions all stem from the very simple question of how much of the “Artiste” gimmick does he bring up with him: Is there any chance he sings? Is he just going to be the drama class version of Fandango? Is he going to get his own Summer Rae? English is one of the few guys who it seems genuinely benefits from the way the NXT crowd works in a way that may not translate. Because the degree of difficulty is so high for a gimmick like this in front of 10,000+ fans it’s best that he stay down in developmental until his has figured out what works and has that stuff down pat.
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