4. CM Punk, WrestleMania 29
Being there might slightly skew yr correspondent’s feelings on this match. But, man, was the crowd into this match. And deservedly so. While the next three matches on this list had much more intrigue, it’s hard to think of a match that had more palpable anticipation. In front of a decidedly pro-Punk — without being anti-Taker — crowd, these two went after each other in a way that seemed completely disconnected from anything either had done before. Both “pulled out all the stops” because the stakes were so incredibly high.
While Punk was looking to establish himself as an immortal, Taker was trying to protect his immortal legacy and that of his late friend, William Moody/Percy Pringle/Paul Bearer. And it shows, in every move and every bit of business any of the people involved — Paul Heyman included — do during the match. Like the Hell in the Cell match at WrestleMania XXVIII, this was a fantastic looking match shot beautifully by the WWE’s production team.
Between that, the hot as the Sun crowd, and the feeling that this MIGHT BE THE NIGHT put this as high as it could possible go considering the three in front of it.