Raw Regurgitated

Kings of Trios

Bray and His Dueling Banjoes Band try to take over the yard, Daniel Bryan fans almost take over the show, and Orton vs. Cena takes (hopefully) its final bow. Raw Regurgitated, right on the internet, just for you!


Royal Rumble Predictions

It’s Headlock’d! The show that takes everything you loved about the past week in the WWE and throws it over the top faster than Santino. In this episode, it’s the Clusterfunk of the year, and we take a look at who’s going “way over the top”…see what we did there?


Spoiler Alert with "Angry" Andy: 12/30-1/3

All Superstars and SmackDown, No Main Event makes Andy a dull boy. All Superstars and SmackDown, No Main Event makes Andy a dull boy. All Superstars and SmackDown, No Main Event makes Andy a dull boy. All Superstars and SmackDown, No Main Event makes Andy a dull boy. All Superstars and SmackDown, No Main Event makes Andy a dull boy. All Superstars and SmackDown, No Main Event makes Andy a dull boy. All Superstars and SmackDown, No Main Event makes Andy a dull boy. All Superstars and SmackDown, No Main Event makes Andy a dull boy.