Spoiler Alert: Watch, Skip or Skim with Angry Andy (3/26-3/28)

Every week, Angry Andy previews the hours and hours of pre-recorded programming WWE puts on the air, and lets you know what’s worth watching, and what’s not. This week, you have a lot of shows to watch...on Fast Forward.

WWE Superstars



Emma d Summer Rae

Hey, a match I actually want to see!  Two of my favorite women in wrestling going at it, on a show no one watches.  Emma wins by submission.

R-Truth & Xavier Woods d 3MB

Well, here are four superstars going nowhere, fast.  They can’t all be winners, but it’s a shame to see so much talent go so underutilized.  Truth & Woods win a match against the jobbingest jobbers who have ever jobbed.


Emma and the future Mrs. Angry Andy are in action.  That’s worth tuning in and hey, you already paid for the network, so why not?

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