Six of One, Half a Dozen of The Others

Daniel Bryan goes to church and battles the Devil's favorite demon, Cesaro goes swingin' and The Hounds of Justice finally try to protect their yard. Raw Regurgitated, 2/17

Cena needs to win matches like this far more than Cesaro does. For someone like Cesaro, a victory, on Raw, over someone like John Cena means higher expectations than necessary from both people that are in on the joke AND people that aren’t. It’s significantly better for him to come impossibly close, especially after beating the champion just a few days before. John Cena is the final boss, and beating him at the very beginning of the game (or, in this case, Cesaro’s massive push) makes everything else that follows anti-climactic.


This match was not nearly as good as the Main Event tumble between these two groups, but it was still a fantastic showcase of the importance of wrestling to character. Oh, and I’m so excited for whatever type of unstoppable monster they are turning Brat Wyatt into, I could pee.

The reaction to the members of the Elimination Chamber match was nice, especially to Cesaro making his way down – he’s almost officially established himself as a dominant bruiser capable of nearly anything – but the reaction to The Shield and the Wyatt FINALLY coming to blows is what mattered. The WWE is in as good a place as it has ever been, and that its hottest feud is between a team of handsome mercenaries and a fake family of gothic hillbillies tells you everything you need to know about why professional wrestling is the best thing on earth.

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