Making Friends and Influencing People

Raw Regurgitated, 8/19

That hug, and smirk, are why heel Randy Orton is better than you.

***WARNING WRESTLING NERD DISCUSSION AHEAD*** This was the best segment since Punk’s pipe bomb, and may have been even more inside than that was. Not only did they manage to explain “why” they screwed Bryan in an entirely legitimate (read: logical) way, they did so in such a way that they were able to break kayfabe using kayfabe. They were essentially saying: we are the reason people win and lose, not you and not them. We can’t always be so obvious with it, but we promise — we’re in charge. This is what wrestling should be and hopefully they can keep it going in the perfect space between “not too long” and “long enough” that a bunch of people make money, and everyone eventually goes home happy ***YOU ARE NOW EXITING A WRESTLING NERD DISCUSSION***

God Love Him, Daniel Bryan needs to learn how to count.

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