For the better part of a year, there’s been an assumption that these six-man tags would eventually get lame and/or boring. But if they continue to involve things like this:
we should be fine.
If Daniel Bryan cuts this level of promo every time, he can be a star at a level that matches his overness. Being mildly sarcastic about things you should be really sarcastic about like “Some people say I shouldn’t be the Face of the WWE” is way better than shouting sarcasm about everything, obviously, but it also allows the crowd to get angry for you. This is an interactive medium, and while bringing some enthusiasm to the equation is obviously important, but getting them to match or exceed yours is what’s most important.
We refuse to see how message boards and comment sections react to these things — because it makes our head hurt — but anyone who has a problem with Billy Gunn working, or that Road Dogg and he are getting a title shot, is missing the whole point. Punk looked FANTASTIC beating up TWO of HHH’s buddies, winning handily in a match where Billy worked his butt off to make Punk look like 10 million dollars. I could watch Billy sell the GTS like he was shot in the face with a cannonball eight million times in a row.
Things I care about: the Red Sox, my girlfriend, humanity. Things I could be paid to care about: data entry, ad rates, copy writing. Things I couldn’t be paid to care about: Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show.
The only thing — the ONLY thing — that makes me having to watch another Rey Mysterio/Alberto del Rio match is that Batista is friends with Rey, so him coming down and beating up del Rio following their match makes slightly more sense than if he came down after a match between del Rio and some total rando. That’s it though. Otherwise, please, No Mas.
This tag team match between AJ/Tamina and the Funkadactyls was absolutely not TheBomb[dot]com.]
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