NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Sideshow"

Lumberjack Match

Mikey Whipwreck and Joe Gacy vs. Stockade and Apollyon

This was wild from the get-go.  This started with Mikey throwing a bunch of incredibly random weapons into the ring, and a big brawl.  This quickly broke down into a brawl involving all the lumberjacks, brawling around the ring and into the crowd.  Both teams for the Psycho Circus match come out for the brawl.  Mikey’s team stands tall in the ring for a minute…but quickly go after the heels again.  Awesome, awesome brawl to end the show.

What I liked: This was crazy, without being too crazy.  It really did a great job of setting the table for the Psycho Circus match, which is always pretty wild.

What made me angry: Those jerks from the Brother Club were standing in front of me.  TJ is pretty tall.  Hard to see through the tall guy.  Ya lumberjack jerks.

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