NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Sideshow"

NYWC Starlet Championship

Rick Cataldo © vs. Sammy Pickles

Lots of stalling early in this one. Sammy pulls off Ricky’s weave, which got a good reaction from the crowd.  Cataldo takes control and beats up on Sammy for a while. Sammy made her comeback and hit a 619, and looked like she was ready to take the title.. when Ricky hit the referee with a low blow for the DQ. It’s announced that, due to unprofessionalism and constant intentional DQs, Cataldo is being stripped of the NYWC Starlet Championship.  A new champ will be crowned in a one-night tournament at an upcoming all-girls show, “We Can Do It,” on Friday, February 27th… the night before Psycho Circus.

If I can get off work, I’ll definitely come check that show out.  I’d like to see how the ladies of NYWC do when handed the ball and told to run.  Groups like Shimmer, Shine and WSU have shown that there is a market for women’s wrestling in the US, even as a niche.  I’m curious to see if this show leads to more in the future.

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