NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Psycho Circus the 13th"

NYWC Fusion Championship Match

Rex Lawless (c) vs. Mike Mondo

Mondo wins this one clean with a knee off the top rope, and his snapmare driver finisher.  Really good match.  The most impressive spot for me was Rex hitting Mondo with stalling vertical superplex.  Crowd popped big for the title change.

What I liked: This match was really good, and told a good story. The title change went over well because Rex has been built up as an unbeatable champion.  He conquered contenders from the main roster, as well as a bunch of marquee guys from other promotions.  A good title reign that meant something when it ended.  Wrestling 101 still works, kids.

Here’s the proof.  I’m curious to see what’s next for Rex, and what babyface challengers step up to battle Mondo.

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