NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Psycho Circus the 13th"

Jigsaw vs. Monsta Mack

This was supposed to be Jigsaw vs. Grim Reefer, in something of a lucha showcase.  Reefer was late getting to the building, so Mack was thrown in as a substitute.  All things considered, they had a pretty decent little match.  I’m an admitted Jigsaw mark, and I’ve really enjoyed Mack in his recent run. Jigsaw wins clean with a top rope brainbustaaaaaaaa.

What I liked: They very obviously worked hard.  Mack always works hard, and if you haven’t seen Jigsaw do his thing, then you’re missing out.

What made me angry: I know what these guys were working with, so it’s hard to hate on the match.  They never really got the crowd though, and with nothing on the line, I felt like this is the one match on the card that could have been scratched altogether.

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