“Chainsaw” Joe Gacy vs. “The Premier Athlete” Anthony Nese
I mean, really, I shouldn’t say a word about this match. It was the blow-off to a long-running feud, and these guys left it all in the ring. A great match, that ended with a picture-perfect 450 splash. If and when this match pops up on the NYWC VOD site, you should pay whatever they’re asking, and watch it from the comfort of your own home.
This was another one of those matches that made me wonder aloud, why isn’t Nese wrestling on TV? He could be tearing it up with the global showcase guys in NXT. He would fit right in with the big names in ROH. He could be someone to rebuild around in the “new” TNA. Or he could be the untapped star used as a focal point of Global Force. For now, he’s tearing up the indies and having awesome match after awesome match, in companies across the country.
As for Gacy, when this feud started, he was a CZW wrestler who I’d heard of, but never actually seen wrestle. Now? I’m definitely a fan. The guy has a throwback look, and works his ass off in the ring. He’s had good matches with Nese, and a bunch of other opponents in NYWC. I hope he sticks around, because he’s done well here, and I have a feeling we haven’t even scratched the surface of what he’s capable of.
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