NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Draw The Line"

NYWC Starlet Championship Match

Rick Cataldo © (with co-champion Marti Belle) vs. Sammy Pickles

I enjoyed this while it lasted, but it was definitely cut short.  Sammy had the match won, when Marti pulled the ref out the ring and DECKED HIM, causing the DQ.  Post-match, it’s announced that Marti is suspended 60 days, and is no longer a co-Starlet champion.  Sammy wins the match, but Rick Cataldo is the sole Starlet Champion.

What I liked: Sammy was really working the “Pickle power” schtick before and during the match, and it was a big hit with the kids in the crowd.  She’s cute as hell, and an uber-babyface.  Cataldo is the total opposite, with his over-the-top outfits, hair…and taking off a pair of underwear and shoving them in Sammy’s face.

What made me angry: This was short, or at least it felt pretty short.  I’m assuming Sammy’s got a rematch coming, so they saved stuff for next time.

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