NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Draw The Line"

Apollyon & Stockade vs. Anthony Lacerra & Jabali Jr.

+1 for whoever designed Jabali’s new gear.  It’s super colorful and pretty intricate, and I love it.  It’s VERY lucha libre.
Good match, even though it was more of a story. Stockade continues to bicker with Apollyon and Crusher Doogan, who continues to threaten to reveal his secret.  At one point, Stockade refuses to tag in, and flips Doogan a double-bird salute. Finish sees Lacerra roll Apollyon up after a miscommunication/collision with Stockade. Post-match, Stockade shakes hands with Lacerra.

What I liked: The story continues to be pretty good.  The action in this match was pretty good, too.  Lacerra continues to show some pretty great babyface fire, hitting a handful of dives and keeping the crowd riled up.  Stockade and Apollyon continue to be great big-men.

What made me angry: I still groan when I hear Lacerra coming out to “Bring me to Life” my Evanescance.  I just can’t take that song seriously, even if he does kind of make it work.

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