NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Draw The Line"

2-on-1 Handicapped Match

Reckless & Wasted vs. DJ Hyde

This was a grudge match.  First, DJ beat JT Kasin.  Last month, he beat Braydon Knight, when Kasin’s effort to pass him a beer mid-match backfired.

JT started off with some drunken fun, before getting beat up for a bit.  Braydon tags in, goes back and forth with DJ and comes back for a tag… but JT realizes Braydon needs a beer and disappears.  Braydon eats a brutal lariat for the 3-count.  Post-match, JT apologizes…and offers his Reckless and Wasted brother a beer.

What I liked: The match was fun while it lasted.  I liked the drunk antics, and DJ’s reaction to them. I also have a pretty good idea of where this is going, so I really like the story being told.  I’m not going to spoil anything, but I will tell you to grab a beer, and grab a ticket.

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