NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Draw The Line"

Aria Cadenza vs. Chrissy Rivera

Aria wins with a Vader Bomb.  The crowd took a few minutes to get into this one, but once they did, they got really into it.  From my perspective, this one got good when Aria dropped the deadpan expression, and started looking like she was having fun beating up on Chrissy, and living up the “Starlet Killer” gimmick.

What I liked: Aria being a little bit of a bitch, and just flat-out picking on her much-smaller opponent.  That little glimpse into the character’s personality goes a long way in making her relatable (or unlikeable), and gives the crowd something polarizing to react to.  That’s a huge step forward for a girl that definitely stands out.  Aria straight-up pointing and laughing at Chrissy post-match? That’s money.  Also, Chrissy gets bonus points for her Slayer flag gear. I definitely popped for it.

What made me angry: The deadpan stuff in the beginning was dry, and it started pretty slow… but it got a lot better as it went along.

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