NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Draw The Line"

Steel Cage Match

NYWC Championship

“Flawless” Blake Morris © vs. Mike Mondo vs. Mikey Whipwreck vs. The Big O

It was taking seemingly forever for the cage to go up, so Mikey beat Blake Morris into and around the building.  Big O and Mike Mondo followed.  Hot start.  Once they got into the ring/cage, there were a lot of big spots.  There was a big tower-of-doom style powerbomb/double suplex.  There was a fist fight at the top of the cage.  There were lots of top-rope nut-drops.  LOTS of them.  MY balls hurt after this match, and I’ve never wrestled.

Finish saw Big o about to escape the cage and win the title…when DJ Hyde slammed the door on his head, and pulled Morris out to victory.  Moments later, Mikey Whipwreck is jumped by Vitko’s crew—Jamie Van Lemer, Joey Conway, and Casanova Valentine. Stockade runs in to make a save, and clears the ring of Vitko’s crew.  Crusher Doogan and Apollyon come out and reveal Stockade’s secret—he hates Mikey Whipwreck. Stockade kills Mikey with a chair.  Vitko’s army, Stockade and Apollyon all team up and destroy Mikey…and no one comes to his rescue.  The heels stand tall over a lifeless Mikey Whipwreck, bringing this show to an end.

The match was good, the ending made sense, and the post-match angle was AWESOME.  I liked the Stockade swerve, and I like that all the heels seem to be on the same page, with just 2 shows to go before the Psycho Circus.

Also, it’s worth noting that Casanova Valentine got busted hardway on the cage, and needed a few staples to close a cut the back of his head.  The good news?  He told me he was feeling alright a day later, and won’t be missing any ring time.

This was a good show.  Things are really heating up as we head closer to the biggest show on the NYWC calendar. But first, NYWC returns to action Saturday, December 27th at Tour De Circus. Matches and ticket information will be available soon at NYWCWrestling.com.  See you at the matches!


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