NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Draw The Line"

NYWC Tag Team Championship

Milk Chocolate © vs. Athletic Incorporated

Another really good, really physical, really athletic matchup…which should be expected, considering the teams involved.  Milk Chocolate win with a fisherman buster.

What I liked: Almost everything landed, and the action was solid.  The former champs gave the new champs a pretty good run for their money.  Crowd LOVES Milk Chocolate…even when they act like heels.

What made me angry: Nothing made me angry, per se.  But it’s worth noting that rapping to the ring, karaoke style.  If the karaoke thing isn’t going anywhere, I’d stick to boyband/pop rock style songs.  Also, the crowd was a little quiet toward Athletic Inc, but I think it’s because both teams worked babyface, and the fans are solidly behind Milk Chocolate.

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