Ladder War
Kevin Steen vs. El Generico
(Ring of Honor Final Battle, December 2012)
You’ve seen them go to war in NXT… but some of their greatest battles were in the ROH ring. This was the most brutal of the battles between the future Sami Zayn, and the future Kevin Owens. It’s not the full match, but that’s not going to take anything away from what you’re about to see.
These guys beat the ever-loving shit out of each other in this match. Period. It’s one of few matches that made me upset that I stopped trekking into Manhattan for ROH shows at the Hammerstein Ballroom. (I bought front row tickets for YEARS, but the Ric Flair bait-n-switch was my last straw.)
ROH called this match a Ladder War. It’s probably the most fitting name for a match since Hell in a Cell. Watch and enjoy.
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