It Came From The Vault: "Classic" WWF Trading Cards (With Jokes) January 6, 2014 The Good Folks at Juice Make Sugar Wrestling Mint in Box, Professional Wrestling, Scanned Goods, Still Worthless 4 Hillbilly Jim is the best example of what can happen when you are 6’8″ with enough charisma and a strong enough gimmick to get over the fact that you can’t really wrestle. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Join the Kayfabemetrics Institute on Patreon! "Macho Man" Randy Savage"Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase"Ravishing" Rick Rude"The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart"The Widow Maker" Barry WindhamAkeemAndre the GiantAx - DemolitionBarry HorowitzBig Boss ManBrooklyn BrawlerBrutus "The Barber" BeefcakeGreg "The Hammer" ValentineHacksaw Jim DugganHillbilly JimHulk HoganJake "The Snake" RobertsMacho MadnessMarty JannettyMr. PerfectRick MartelShawn MichaelsSmash - DemolitionThe BushwhackersThe GeniusThe RockersTumblrUltimate WarriorVirgil
Andy's Angry Time to Go, Brother September 20, 2013 Andy Miller Andy's Angry, Professional Wrestling, TNA Opinions Comments Off on Time to Go, Brother Hulk Hogan’s contract is coming up, and TNA might renew it. Which makes Andy Angry.
Headlock'd The Hall of Fame Induction of the Ultimate Warrior January 20, 2014 Noah Waterman Headlock'd 2 This week we discuss Warrior joining the Hall of Fame, Sting in talks with the WWE and the amazing life of Mae Young.
+/- Numbers Ain’t Too Proud to Beg October 4, 2013 David Gibb +/- Numbers, Reviews, TNA Opinions Comments Off on Ain’t Too Proud to Beg It was a rough night for TNA fans, but long is the way and hard that out of Hell leads up to light, Brother.
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