
Say It Like You Mean It: The Impact Wrestling Preview, 11/28

Like every other wrestling company, TNA creates a weekly preview of its flagship show, Impact Wrestling. And, like every other wrestling company, they don’t always tell the truth when hyping their product. Thankfully, Dave is here to try to figure what TNA is trying to say, and tell you what he thinks, so you don’t have to do either. This week: fake Survivor Series matches and real turkey suits.

A Wrestler You Should Probably Know Better

#HorsemenWeek: A Stable You Should Probably Know Better

It’s the First Day of #4HorsemenWeek. In celebration of this month’s Survivor Series, we’re taking a look at famous stables from the wonderful world of wrestling. This is the thirteenth installment in our (patent-pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. As always we’ll start by making The Horsemen a Stable You (Should) Probably Know Better.

"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Impact Wrestling, 11/21

This week, TNA presents their “Turning Point” event in lieu of a regular episode of Impact Wrestling. That “Turning Point” represents TNA’s return to Universal Studios, where they will tape two episodes of Impact over the weekend, is surprisingly, not the worst that could happen.

Professional Wrestling

#TheNationWeek Top 10 – Stables

Because we’re wrestling journalists — and Buzzfeed contributors — we’ve decided that we needed to start creating a top ten list based on each Wrestler of the Week. We’ve decided to not include any criteria for the list, because we’ve been told by experts in the list-making field that it would just muddy our ability to explain why we’re right. For #TheNationWeek, we give you the definitive list of the Top 10 Stables.