Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: The 2013 TLC PPV

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs World Championship Unification Match


Best Case Scenario: A definitive finish, with one champion.
What Nick Wants to Happen: John Cena and Randy Orton to wrestle like they are wrestling Daniel Bryan, with the crowd caring as much as they would for the Daniel Bryan match they actually wanted to see. Also, seriously, A DEFINITIVE FINISH WITH ONE CHAMPION.

While this match never quite got to the level of the match before it, it certainly lived up the hype (or at least the expectations), and definitely gave people what they paid for, at least in terms of the finish. This was a WWE PPV main event, in every sense of the term,  and while that may not be the best possible main event for a wrestling show, it’s definitely the type of thing they should be given credit for doing in the first place. That they let the victory stand as a legitimate one without shenanigans, tomfoolery or other polite  words for “swerve” even more.

Match + .8

This was much closer to the Money in the Bank and SummerSlam PPV than anything since August, with only one match that probably shouldn’t have been on a PPV. But there are worst things than being underwhelmed by an R. Truth-Brodus Clay match that is at the very least trying to tell an actual story.  The two 1-on-3 handicap matches on the card lived up to — and in the case of Daniel Bryan vs. the Wyatts, even exceeded  — expectations. In fact, it was our highest rated ever, although that comes with the extreme caveat that I really enjoyed the Miz-Kofi match and the use of the pre-show experts panel to set it up. If you hate The Miz and Kofi or think using the pre-show is stupid to set up a match, this PPV overall will just simply at the level of MitB and SummerSlam, with its matches behind those two on average.

Which is to say, while still definitely worth the money, not the second best PPV of the year that I thought it was.

Overall PPV 4.4 | Match Avg.  .55

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