Divas Title Match
What Nick Wants to Happen: AJ winning, by any means necessary.
THIS is the match the Divas division should be having. Was it a great match? No. Was it even a particularly good match relative to what we see every week on NXT? Probably not. But it told a story, and, most importantly for this viewer, ended this seemingly never ending feud cleanly. I wouldn’t have paid for this match beforehand, but having seen it, it’s hard to say I didn’t get my money’s worth.
Match +.2 | PPV 1.1
Intercontinental Title Match
Best Case Scenario: A fast paced match closer to what Big E. and Dean did before they busted their faces open on each other’s heads than after, with Damien Sandow looking like “aggressive” Damien Sandow and not “leather briefcase holding pansy/uncrowned World’s Champion” Damien Sandow.
The crowd — which wasn’t good or bad, just kind of there — really loved Big E. They also absolutely did not care about Sandow. There’s really not that much else to say about this match other than the quicker they get Big E. to start 5-counting people, the better.
Match +.3 | PPV 1.4
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