In the first step towards the unification of every single belt in the wrestling universe, Sunday night’s TLC PPV featured Kofi-Miz using the pre-show experts panel the way God intended, two separate 1-on-3 handicap matches and a titular title match for the new created WWEWHC 2.0 Super Belt that will eventually become sentient and choose the champions who it will hug (the WWEWHC 2.0 Super Belt is notoriously clingy.)

As always, we’re going to be using what I said during the What’s the Worst That Could Happen preview to see how close I was to “predicting” what unfolded, how that stacked up to my beliefs of what they were “trying” to do and whether or not I got what I wanted out of the show. Enjoy!
Kickoff Match
What Will Happen: A lot of selling, a lot of commercials and at least one incoherent babbling statement about Dolph Ziggler needing to prove himself for the 18th consecutive WWE PPV pre-show by one of the “experts” on the panel.
Obviously JR was wrong, because Dolph Ziggler losing to Fandango has to be the equivalent of the time he was sent to OVW with the rest of the Spirit Squad. This was an okay match — though not nearly as good as the Miz-Kofi confrontations from last month’s pre show — which is all one can really expect from one of these free shows.
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