Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: Payback 2014

A day late, but NO DOLLARS SHORT, as we bring the Bang, the Buck and the PPV review of Sunday night's excellent Payback.


Stephanie McMahon vs. Daniel Bryan – Words with Enemies

Stephanie McMahon continues to be my spirit animal, and this segment managed to articulate both sides of the argument without making it seem like Stephanie was right or Daniel Bryan was wrong. Stephanie, as the heel, is wrong because of her motives, not because of her actions. She’s lying to get what she wants, instead of simply telling him to give up the title. She want him to give up, not to be seen as the person to force his hand. She’s trying to be the good guy and do the right thing because that’s what she thinks will get her what she wants. That includes toying with people’s lives, trying to make her opposition out to be the bad guy, and mostly reeks of the kind of concern trolling that plagues much of internet commentary these days.

Which brings your correspondent to his next point: why are grown adults complaining about the choice another grown adult makes regarding her employment future. Brie made it very clear why she quit before Stephanie had a chance to fire her,she doesn’t want to be a pawn in Stephanie’s game of human chess. Much in the same way that Rachel Dawes is the most heroic character in the Dark Knight for stepping in the path of danger not for anyone else, but because it’s the right thing to do, Brie quitting allows her to not be an example for Stephanie to use and on a personal level. It allows her to decide for herself what she wants to do and allows for her husband to do what he wants to do.

In game theory, this is move is the optimal strategy for situation like this. And from a narrative standpoint, it allows Bryan to continue to be the hero the fans deserve without having to wear a mask.  That said, they could have done without the “bitch”.

Match +.5 | PPV 2.5

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