Andy’s Uninterested: A WWE TLC Preview

Owens Ambrose

Kevin Owens (c) vs. Dean Ambrose

WWE Intercontinental Championship

This match, on any other card, would have the potential to be a show-stealer. Both men are capable of pulling off some really cool moves in the ring, and getting the crowd genuinely excited for it. But on THIS show, Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose are booked in a straight wrestling match on a card full of gimmicks… and that doesn’t bode well for them.

As for the title… Ambrose doesn’t need the belt, and shouldn’t win it. His IC title runs and matches from late 2014/early 2015 were fun, but not very memorable, and only served to pull him out of the WWE championship picture.

If he has to prop up the midcard and the IC title division, he can’t also be Reigns’ running buddy/backup.

Owens needs the belt, and he needs to look good as champion.. especially coming off that horribly lackluster feud with Ryback, which did nobody any favors.

I’ll be angry if: Ambrose wins.

I’ll keep my cool if: Owens wins.

I’m expecting: Owens wins a match that gets significantly less heat than it deserves, and he takes the blame for it.

If I booked it: Owens would win clean, in an “RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!” fashion. Ambrose stays hot, and Owens looks deadly and unpredictable.

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