Andy's Top 10 Reasons To Be Angry: Why You're NOT Watching Raw Tonight

There are a lot of reasons why tonight's Raw rating is going to take a hit. Some legitimate, some...not so much. Either way, you'll find your reason. Andy takes a look at the top ten reasons you WON'T be watching Raw tonight. And no, they're not ALL Rosa Mendes.

we know it sucked


Did you watch last week’s show, start to finish? I’ve had shorter plane rides, center seat, between a fat guy and a crying baby.
That painfully long opening segment, made only mildly acceptable by the awesome hometown pop for Seth Rollins, set the tone for a long, drawn-out, lackluster show.
I mean, seriously.  If  you don’t believe that last week’s show is all the reason you need to skip tonight’s broadcast, go back and “enjoy” it again. You’ll see my point.

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