Andy's Top 10 Reasons To Be Angry: Why You're NOT Watching Raw Tonight

There are a lot of reasons why tonight's Raw rating is going to take a hit. Some legitimate, some...not so much. Either way, you'll find your reason. Andy takes a look at the top ten reasons you WON'T be watching Raw tonight. And no, they're not ALL Rosa Mendes.

diva carnage


I know, I already mentioned Rosa.  But come on, she’s worthy of her own, personal place on this list.
So is whatever the hell is going on around the Divas championship.
I’m an AJ Lee fan. Paige is my Diva crush du jour. I’m not into the Bellas, but the crowd is, so… they belong.
This feud, though? This feud doesn’t belong anywhere near my TV. Whatever is going on between AJ and Paige stopped making sense long ago. Whatever is going on between Brie and Nikki will probably be fine for some half-assed Total Divas storyline, but for wrestling? It’s brutal. Now Nikki is involved in a Divas title match, and Brie is almost guaranteed to get involved, and no one is going to win.
Wake me up when Charlotte debuts, will you?

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