Andy's Top 10 Reasons To Be Angry: Why You're NOT Watching Raw Tonight

There are a lot of reasons why tonight's Raw rating is going to take a hit. Some legitimate, some...not so much. Either way, you'll find your reason. Andy takes a look at the top ten reasons you WON'T be watching Raw tonight. And no, they're not ALL Rosa Mendes.


4. $9.99

You spent it*, and now you’ve got it.  The WWE Network has delivered untold hours of wrestling classics (and plenty of stinkers) right at your fingertips.  You can rewatch Austin-Hart at WrestleMania 13, the match that made Austin a legitimate star.  You can rewatch the first TLC matches between the Hardys, the Dudleys and Edge & Christian. You can rewatch every Money in the Bank match ever.  Hell, you could binge-listen to the best of Bobby Heenan.
Or, you know, you could watch The Corporate Ministry 2k14 try to read a multi-layered promo, written entirely in one voice and designed to fail.  For my* $9.99, that’s a pretty easy choice.
*(Editor’s note: I’ve spent it.) **(Editor’s note: MY 9.99)

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