Andy's Top 10 Reasons To Be Angry: Why You're NOT Watching Raw Tonight

There are a lot of reasons why tonight's Raw rating is going to take a hit. Some legitimate, some...not so much. Either way, you'll find your reason. Andy takes a look at the top ten reasons you WON'T be watching Raw tonight. And no, they're not ALL Rosa Mendes.

austin podcast


There’s a new trend in professional wrestling: professional wrestlers doing things besides wrestling professionally.
Well, okay.  It’s not new at all.  Hulk Hogan’s been doing it since the name “Thunderlips” entered the lexicon. The difference is, today’s professional wrestlers, and future former professional wrestlers, are doing it successfully.
On any given day, you can tune into PodcastOne and listen to some excellent wrestling-related podcasts, with some of the names you grew up watching.  Steve Austin, Jim Ross, Roddy Piper, Chris Jericho.  Add guys you’ve never heard of, or with whom you’re not too familiar, like Colt Cabana.  I have a much easier time listening to two hours of a JR podcast than I do three hours of JBL commentary.  And the guests?  What great insight into the world of professional wrestling now, and in an era I’ll never truly experience for myself.
I’ve heard good things about Nick and I Tag Teaming wrestling, too.  But I may be biased on that one.
If talk radio isn’t your thing, some of your favorite stars are doing pretty well elsewhere.  The Rock is a bonafide movie star.  Batista just starred in the biggest movie of 2014.  And Steve Austin has an AWESOME show on CMT.  I’d rather watch Broken Skull Challenge on demand than watch the Bella Twins attempt to act live.
With so much GOOD to enjoy on the periphery of pro wrestling, why would anyone willingly subject themselves to what we saw last week on Raw?

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