The Vaudevillains (w/ Blue Pants) vs. Blake & Murphy (w/ Alexa Bliss)
Tag Team Championship Match
If I booked it: Lots of Alexa Bliss interference throughout. Whatever diva is set to join the Vaudevillains makes her presence felt, then Blake and Murphy steal the win.
Almost had this one… but they fooled me with the false finish and Vaudevillain win. This was fine, but nothing special. Wayyyy too much attention on Blue Pants, who needs a real name if she’s ever going to, you know, be a star.
Blake and Murphy are hitting their stride as a tag team, and could do well on the main roster. The Vaudevillains are way more fun… but are so gimmicky that I worry they’ll fail when they’re called up. I want them to be a big hit… but I can see them going the way of Adam Rose, The Ascension, the Lucha Dragons… fun gimmicks that don’t translate to the casual wrestling fan.
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