John Cena vs Seth Rollins
WWE World Heavyweight & United States Championships
LET’S GO ROLLINS! For real. Rollins has done an amazing job this year as WWE Champion. Cena has done a great job of elevating the US Championship. Let Rollins run with the ball, and keep Cena hot as a “just in case” option.
I’ll be angry if: Cena wins. Sheamus cashes in.
I’ll keep my cool if: Seth Rollins. Sheamus gets lost in catering.
I’m expecting…: A Sheamus run-in.
If I booked it: Rollins reverses a super-Attitude Adjustment into something insane, and pulls out a win. Cesaro and Sheamus begin a feud, that culminates in a really insane 3-way match between Cearo, Sheamus and Rollins… for the title! Actually… maybe not THAT, but no Cena victory. Let’s go Rollins!
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