Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Money in the Bank Edition

Cena Owens

John Cena vs. Kevin Owens

Remember how these two guys kicked the shit out of each other last month, and Cena did the honors, in what was truly a star-making performance for Kevin Owens? Yeah, that’s going to happen again.

I’ll be angry if: WWE does what most people expect them to do in the age of meaningless 50-50 booking, and give Cena his win back.

I’ll keep my cool if: Kevin Owens Brock Lesnars John Cena, Summerslam-style.

I’m expecting…: Kevin Owens wins a competitive match with a popup powerbomb.

If I booked it: Owens would target John Cena’s “broken nose.” Cena would be seriously hurt, need surgery, and be out (and completely off camera) until they wrestle each other for the US title at Summerslam. Oh, and Owens would win that match, too.

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