Andy Will Be Angry If…: Summerslam Edition

Brie Steph

Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon

This one is interesting.  For a feud between a “non-playable character” and a wrestler who may as well be a NPC, this story has been pretty decent. I feel like the feud derailed a bit with the “Daniel Bryan’s therapist” affair schtick, but still.

I see this going one of two ways—either Brie straight up kills Steph to blow off the feud, or Nikki turns on Brie, giving Steph the win, and keeping this feud going.  Either option is fine, so long as this match is more about the story, and less an attempt at actual wrestling.

I’ll be angry if: They try to have a real wrestling match.  Steph hasn’t worked a match in a decade, and Brie isn’t that great.  Any attempt to wrestle beyond a cat fight and gimmickry is a recipe for disaster.

I’ll keep my cool if: They keep this tight. Heavy on the angle, short on the wrestling, high on believability.

I’m expecting: Some awkward action, a catfight, and lots of shenanigans.  I’m counting on run-ins, distractions, and lots of influence from “The Authority.”

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