Andy Will Be Angry If…: Summerslam Edition

ambrose rollins

Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins

Lumberjack Match

Both of these guys have looked SO good recently.  I’m hoping this match keeps both of them hot, and doesn’t let them get lost in the shuffle.

The lumberjack gimmick could be a blessing or a curse in this match.  If it’s used to accentuate the fact that Rollins has been trying to duck Ambrose, and now he has no choice to fight—great.  If it’s used as an excuse not to give this match a finish, in one of those “nobody really jobs” scenarios…then I want Nick’s $9.99 back.

I’ll be angry if: WWE gives us a BS finish.

I’ll keep my cool if: We get a real match, that happens to have a stipulation that lends itself to BS finishes.

I’m expecting: A good match with a questionable ending.

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