Andy Will Be Angry If…: Summerslam Edition

RVD Cesaro

 Kickoff Match

Rob Van Dam vs Cesaro

Where do I begin with this one?  I’m pretty annoyed that the powers-that-be decided to slap this random contest together, instead of doing something that, I don’t know, makes sense?  The (super-over) tag team champions aren’t booked on this show.  Neither is your (super-over) United States champion.  Neither are two thirds of the Wyatt Family, RybAxel, Goldust & Stardust, and a bunch of other guys who will probably play the role of lumberjacks.
I don’t like this match, because nobody really wins.  RVD is expected to take time off after Summerslam, so Cesaro should win, right?  But if Lesnar is going over, this show is probably going to heavy on babyface wins.  Add that to the whole “start the show with a hot crowd” approach they’re probably taking, and you get Cesaro jobbing to a has-been, right before said has-been takes a three-month vacation.

I’ll be angry if: RVD wins.  I’ll be even angrier if this is a squash.

I’ll keep my cool if: Cesaro wins.  I’ll be ecstatic if he absolutely squashes RVD, and makes him look like a total chump in the process.

What I’m expecting: The guy nobody is paying to see pins the guy who got punished for getting a move too over.  The crowd loves it anyway, but I groan.

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