#HBKWeek: GIF Parade

It’s Day Three of #HBKWeek, a celebration of all things HBK and the eighth installment in our patent-pending Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. We started off with A Wrestler You Should Probably Know Better, before we gave you the finer points of the Michael Hickenbottom oeuvre with some Essential Viewing. Today, we march through the end of Hump Day with a GIF parade and, because we love you, give you some hidden gems from the Showstopper’s catalog later. Tomorrow we’ll make our “Amazon.com on steroids” dream come true with Juice Make Sugar Recommends… before finishing everything off on Friday with a Difference of Opinion (where JMS HQ erupts in a Sweet Chin Music-fueled civil war.) 

Normally, the Wrestler of the Week GIF Parade is just a weird little story that we use as an excuse to post a bunch of GIFs, but this time, we had an idea. A countdown of the top 10 Superkick GIFs (that we could find without really trying).

Honorable Mention: Chris Masters shows why you shouldn’t lead with your chin while running towards someone whose finisher is called “Sweet Chin Music”.
10. Kurt Angle taking a bit of a phantom kick, beautifully. 
9. The Miz doing a yeoman’s job of selling it like he’s just been shot in the face with a foot (which, if you are wondering, is the proper way to sell it)
8. Chris Jericho, selling the kick by FALLING OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH (or the ring apron)
 ring apron
7. After #8, you can understand why Y2J just couldn’t take it anyone
6. This is more the work of Charles Robinson, who chose the cannon sell. Lil’ Natch, you chose… wisely
5. Although the WrestleMania XII match between Shawn and Bret is highly (highly) overrated, but beautifully shot. Kind of like Gravity. Amirite?
4. One of the best “double sells” of anything ever. Both HHH and HBK deserve some sort of medal.
3.  My personal favorite GIF ever, from my personal favorite feud ever. Using the wheelchair in the sell is why he’s Bret Hart and you are not.
2. For most people, this is the best Superkick ever and the highlight of Shelton Benjamin‘s career. And they are right. It’s just not the best Superkick GIF ever…
1. THIS is the best Superkick GIF ever.

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