Is anyone else bothered by how it seems like John Cena is just realizing for the first time that he can get the crowd to both boo and cheer him just by saying “some of you like to cheer me, and some of you like to boo me”? It’s not that he uses that same line every week as much as the way he delivers it like he just found out a curse word and wants to see how far he can push it before someone washes his mouth out with soap.
Bray Wyatt is the Eater of Worlds, of course, but he’s also a wonderful model for OUR NEW JOHN CENA “NEON” T-SHIRT PACKAGE, WHICH YOU CAN GET FOR 64.99 ON WWESHOP.COM!
Thank god that Randy Orton is just a transitional champion. We’d really hate to have to watch awesome matches all the time. Though, honestly, it’s probably for the best there wasn’t some sort of #OccupyRaw movement with him and a bunch of dudes in Affliction t-shirts taking over Raw.
This is going to seem odd, and oddly sentimental, but when people talk about the “presence”, things like this video segment is exactly what they are talking about. Despite not appearing on the show, it felt like the people involved in that awesome video were there just by virtue of someone mentioning their name. While there have been great stars in the history of professional wrestling, there’s less than a handful of guys that have the type of enduring legacy that Eminem does.
Now, I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but if it turns out that Fandango gave a receipt to Goldustin Rhodes for copping his entrance, he’ll become my new favorite wrestler.
You shouldn’t necessarily change your plans because of how the crowds react to something, but if there’s anything we can do to make it so that they don’t break up The Shield and they can just be super friends forever, we’d be willing to do it. Also, if they could be made into a best friend trio of pest exterminators in WWE’s new Slam City claymation show, that’d be great.
In case you were wondering: there’s absolutely no way that Big Show wins the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal presented by Hulkamania. None. If he does, I’ll eat a hat.
Kofi’s good at making people look great, Bray’s great at being made to look good. So why are their matches one of the very few things outside of main roster-Divas matches that make me want to fast forward the show? This is clearly a “me” problem, I’m just trying to get to the root of it. And hoping I’m not secretly racist, of course.
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