You Say "Yes," I Say "No, No, No"

The Real Americans get a big win, Titus O'Neil wears a big hat and The Authority has a big surprise for Daniel Bryan. Raw Regurgitated, on the internet, just for you!

Bad News Barrett should never wrestle again, and just become the WWE’s version of the clown with the hook from Showtime at the Apollo. Though, let’s watch out how high we end up putting his podium? There’s funny, and then there’s “Hawk falling off the Titantron”.


Was there a WWE APP segment backstage where they explained this Sheamus-Titus O’Neil match was over who was the most Irish? (EDITOR’S NOTE: Apparently there was and yr correspondent missed it)

It seems like a problem for WrestleMania that Christian and Sheamus’s feud has already reached the point where even the other bad guys are allowed to think Christian is an idiot. It’s not like they can’t turn that into something interesting, but with the 30-man-Andre-the-Giant-Memorial-Battle-Royal, it seems like building a feud for two guys in the match to mess around with each other

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