#YokoWeek: Good, Better, Best

For every Wrestler of the Week, there are performers that informed their work or were influenced by it. This week, it’s Ludwig, Yoko and Rusev.


.. so was Yoko.

Or, more accurately, his American spokesperson, James E. Cornette was. More so than perhaps any other aspect, that’s what made his run genuinely special. With his considerable – if somewhat underappreciated – in-ring storytelling, the team they placed around him were able to tell a compelling year-long storyline that helped wash the taste of Hulkamania out of the mouth of WWE fans.

In doing so, he did what every great monster heel is supposed to do: he made the heroes – Bret Hart, in particular – look like they were actually overcoming something when they were finally able to get past him. For many years after, he was the standard bearer for a very specific kind of bad guy, making it work in a context outside of war and rooted in good work and decent planning. But…

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