#YokoWeek: Essential Viewing

Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna

Wrestlemania X
WWE Championship Match

This isn’t my favorite Bret Hart match. Hell, it’s not even my favorite Bret Hart match on this show.  That doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that this match includes two of my all-time favorite moments, both as a wrestling fan and a Bret Hart mark.

First, Bret Hart pinning Yokozuna, and winning back the title one year after he lost it… fantastic. The post-match celebration was such an amazing, feel-good moment.

Second, Owen Hart’s appearance. The King of Harts beat Bret earlier in the night… and now he’s watching, bitterly, as his big brother celebrates with the WWF Championship. The staredown, and months-long feud that ensued, were just perfect. Hell, the Summerslam match is still my all-time favorite match.

It all starts here, and it all starts with the monster heel.

Yoko plays his role to perfection. It’s thanks to his prowess as a monster heel, and the way he’d been built up over the last year, that made Bret’s win so epic.

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