Yes! Yes! Yes! We’re Taped!

Raw Regurgitated, 7/29

It’s absolutely remarkable how bad everyone is with the timing of the Yes! chants until the second time DBD raises his hands. White people can’t dance, but if there was one thing we’d should be good at, it’s pointing our fingers at a general direction in unison.

For two guys with near perfect chemistry as a tag team, Daniel Bryan and Kane’s match has been, at best, mediocre. Now, Kane is not the best when it comes to wrestling by himself anymore, but I can’t imagine how tired Daniel Bryan must be after working FOR A FULL HOUR THE NIGHT BEFORE THIS TAPING. Maybe you guys should have just worked a show at a reasonable time on this past Sunday and then, I don’t know, ran that one? Maybe?

The more they let him win with that roll up the bett … WAIT THEY’RE HERE!


The only people calling the CM Punk-Brock Lesnar match “The Best vs. The Beast” are CM Punk and you, so maybe we cool it with the accusatory pronouns, Paul E.?

Curtis Axel is a fine talker for someone with such a horrific speech impediment. That speech impediment is called “being from Minnesota”.

Too bad they are wasting this brilliant build on Punk/Lesnar, a match literally everyone wanted to see anyways. Why can’t they do stuff like this for Alberto Del Rio or Wade Barrett?

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