Yes! Yes! Yes! We’re Taped!

Raw Regurgitated, 7/29

Do you think that Edge ever watches Christian matches and screams “IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU!” at the TV?

If they took away the superkick from Ziggler so that Del Rio could make it look like he was kicking people’s heads in by slapping his thigh, I fully endorse that.

No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition, but everyone should have seen this Christian win from a mile away. The PPV is in like, three weeks, and no one has even mentioned that WHC. Even Fandango is building a storyline!


One request for this face turn from Cody: please do not take the b-roll of him combing his mustache out of his entrance video.

If Wade Barrett goes to Mr. McMahon, and says “please Sir, may I have some mo’?” in his best Cockney accent, he could almost definitely get back in the main event picture of one of their TV shows. Whether or not that would be for Saturday Morning Slam is anyone’s guess.

Carnivals and circuses are two different things, Damien. Who’s the clown now, huh?

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