Yes He Can!

Raw Regurgitated, 1/13



For all the people “excited” about the Ultimate Warrior Hall of Fame speech, JMS would like to remind them that his promos were only worth anything because they made were incoherent messes, and when he started to be able to string sentences together it involved the words “queering”. We don’t believe in soapboxes here in the Palace of Wisdom, but this guy is a turd of the highest order. HAVING SAID THAT, that match with Savage at WrestleMania VII was really great.


There was literally nothing to dislike about this entire “Randy Orton loses clean to Kofi Kingston then kills Mr. Cena FOR THE HUNDRED THOUSANDTH TIME” segment. Randy Orton’s transformation into this weird beautiful creature built entirely on the type of insecurity that can only from being the product of a decade of unachievable expectations has been as much fun as Daniel Bryan’s rise to the top of the face food chain. Also, for a fan of wrestling tropes, “Randy Orton kills your family, probably right in front of you” is right up there with “Flair never gets to jump off the top rope” and “Sting trust someone he shouldn’t” as the best of all time.


Cody Rhodes and Goldust have spent much of the last month waiting patiently  to turn on each other. In that time, they’ve continued to out work the entire roster in fundamentally meaningless feuds that they inject with relevance, from little runs with the Real Americans to this Friday’s upcoming match with the New Age Outlaws. When they finally go the direction we are waiting for them to, it’s going to be a sight to see.

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