Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: WrestleMania XXX



Randy Orton vs. Bryan/HHH vs. Batista

What Will Happen: Daniel Bryan wins, 75,000 people chanting “YES!”

After a night where everything anyone could have ever wanted or hoped for — or at the very least where every match, and every result made sense — this was the culmination of the hottest run the company has had since the late 90’s. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Batista all looked like WrestleMania main event superstars and everyone else involved — Stephanie, the Armstrong ref and Triple H — helped add the little bit of flavor that is part of most of the truly great WrestleMania main events of this kind.

But more so than anything else, this match had to — on some level — make WWE fans able to trust the company again. Or, more accurately, it will hopefully force a very ignorant and narrow-minded part of the fandom who takes their favorite wrestler not being the most successful performer and either builds an elaborate conspiracy against that performer as the reason they haven’t reached their potential or accuse one of the most successful entertainment companies in the world of not being able to entertain its target audience, to well… shut the HELL up (to quote Chris Jericho.)

The idea that anyone involved in the WWE didn’t see how popular Daniel Bryan was insane for a very very very long time. And while it’s extremely unfortunate that those fans — the type of people who develop Occupy Raw chant sheets or derail perfectly good matches against perfectly capable performers because their favorite workers aren’t out there for the entire show — were rewarded with such a good storyline, an even better match to set up this one and the best possible outcome for the main event of the biggest show of the year, fans who have trusted this company for years can now finally rest knowing that they were right and everyone else was wrong.

Hopefully, after this match and these last nine months, we can finally move past public petitions to change storylines and the incessant complaining in the dark corners of the internet. Hopefully, we can all just finally enjoy the show for what it is instead of what we wanted it to be because we can’t seem to remember that the show is not all about us on an individual level. There were many things to love about what happened on Sunday, and what happened at the end of one of the most exciting shows of the last twenty years. But, for yr correspondent, that will be what be taken from this show and this wonderful, beautiful piece of performance art that finished the show.

Well, and this (courtesy, as always, of Wrasslor Monkey):

And that is worth every single penny.

Match +1.0

Bottom Line

This was easily the best show since Money in the Bank 2011, and is on the VERY short list for best shows of all time. From Bryan to Taker to Bryan again, this was everything almost every fan could have possibly wanted without just being four hours of fan service. While the Royal Rumble had a slightly higher per match average, that’s extremely misleading. With only 5 matches, the Royal Rumble was essentially half this card and didn’t have nearly the same amount of positive fan contribution or “moments” that make paying for a show worthwhile. This will easily go down as the best WrestleMania since XX and will likely be considered right on the same line as WrestleMania X-7 when we are able to distances ourselves from the WrestleMania hangover we are all nursing.

There are days when it’s hard to be a wrestling fan, but they are getting to be fewer and fewer every passing year. And it’s because of nights like this.

Overall PPV 5.2

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