Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: WrestleMania XXX


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Best Case Scenario: Triple H pedigrees the shit out of Daniel Bryan. For, like, 2o minutes. Then Bryan hits The Knee to make it to the main event match with Batista and Randy Orton.

What Will Happen: Daniel Bryan wins, either actually or after Triple H gets past him likely through Authority interference, he’s placed in the main event anyways.

Your correspondent’s favorite match of the night — and not just for the obvious, Stephanie’s outfit/HHH-wrestling related reasons — also did the best job of showing why this was Daniel Bryan’s night. Without the match proper, Daniel Bryan doesn’t get to show his incredible gifts as a technical performer. And without the ending, he doesn’t get to show his considerable progress as a storyteller which has made him a viable candidate for the “Face of the WWE.” For an opening match, it was easily a serious candidate for “best of all time”, even if it was probably not one of the truly “great” matches in the history of the show on the Austin/Rock WM X-7, Austin-Hart WM 13, Warrior-Savage WM VII or Flair-Savage WM VIII level.  It had everything a Daniel Bryan or HHH fan could want and everything you could possible ask for from a wrestling match. Except for an ending that was ever in doubt.

Match +.85

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