Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Raw Regurgitated, 8/26

It’s hard to say what got AJ’s pipebomb over more with the people on Twitter: the Bella’s SCREECHING reaction to everything AJ was saying like she was getting in their shot on Total Divas or the Chris Rock mic drop at the end. Either way, kudos to AJ for getting on TV as a wrestler without having to do a Beth Phoenix impression or farting.


It’s hard to tell if it’s worse that Rob Van Dam just got handed a PPV match or that this will likely be parlayed into a Rey Mysterio run with the World Heavyweight Championship.


Everyone knows that Randy Orton looks better when he is actually trying, but it’s difficult overstate how much better. But, taking a stab at it, whatever the opposite of that hideous neckbeard is on the “good” scale, that’s how much better it is when he gives a shit.

Christian as Jobber to the *Actual* Stars is what should got on that man’s Hall of Fame plaque.

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